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Richmond 优质Townhouse 出租

2021-08-03 1291 views ID# 23

$3,000 /Month

Richmond No detailed address provided
Ms. Fan Mandarin,English,Cantonese


Base Info

Rental_Property_Type: Townhouse |
Bedrooms: 3 |

Feature & Amenities

Laundry facilities
Independent kitchen
Basic appliances
Basic furniture
Individual washroom
Separate parking space
房子狀況:共三層,3個睡房,2.5個洗水間,2個車位,2個陽台,1個廚房,1個客飯廳 租金:$3000/月 家俱:包基本家俱/如不需要,請自行搬去車庫 費用:不包水電煤網 附近配套:環境清幽,安全方便,步行去附近中小學只用幾分鐘。小學Ferris,中學為列治文中學,臨近Minoru park 8月底可入住 看房請致電預約

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